Wanda volunteers give free lectures at Hope Primary Schools


Recently, employees of Wanda Cultural Tourism Planning & Research Institute went to the Hope Primary School of Kongshan in the Langya mountainous area to deliver free lectures. These lectures were about earthquake. The delegation's full preparation at many aspects such as the substantial information, the multi-media teaching methods and the simple and clear illustration was highly appreciated by both the teachers and students of the School.

In 2015, Wanda Cultural Tourism Planning & Research Institute carried out a series of activities in two schools—the Kongshan Primary School and the Liujiazhuang Primary School in the Langya mountainous area in order to offer helps. During the summer holiday, employees of the Institute managed to raise RMB 260,000 for the renovation of the two primary schools. Thanks to their efforts, the school environment had been enormously improved in about two months with the roads repaired, the dangerous buildings demolished, the classrooms renovated, plastic playgrounds and multi-media classroom built and heaters equipped.

Employees from the Institute with various professional backgrounds will be sent to the Hope Primary Schools on a regular basis to give lectures to the students.

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